Tag: Resurrection Life
Remaining Flawed or ‘Faithing the Finished Work’
“REMAINING FLAWED OR ‘FAITHING THE FINISHED WORK’”? BY:J.FARRELL FISHER,April 24, 2019 Sinners, willing to remain as they are, but pleased to ‘acknowledge’ Jesus Christ, profess ‘faith’, and join a ‘church’ ARE ‘flawed professing disciples’ asserting their ‘completion’ “in Christ”, when HE, the Resurrected, Reigning King of kings and Lord of lords, ‘knocked’, but wasn’t allowed…
Troubling Tombs of Godless Lives
CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX “TROUBLING TOMBS OF GODLESS LIVES!” Troubling Tombs? Troubling Tombs of Godless lives, like self-centered lives striving in a Godless existence, even striving to find meaning to life without God but assured in self, worldly, demonic deception that your life will work it out and find meaning, a sense of peace and purpose without…