James Farrell Fisher

1936 โ€” 2024

Tag: Resurrection Life

  • Remaining Flawed or ‘Faithing the Finished Work’

    “REMAINING FLAWED OR ‘FAITHING THE FINISHED WORK’”? BY:J.FARRELL FISHER,April 24, 2019 Sinners, willing to remain as they are, but pleased to ‘acknowledge’ Jesus Christ, profess ‘faith’, and join a ‘church’ ARE ‘flawed professing disciples’ asserting their ‘completion’ “in Christ”, when HE, the Resurrected, Reigning King of kings and Lord of lords, ‘knocked’, but wasn’t allowed…

  • Troubling Tombs of Godless Lives

    CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX “TROUBLING TOMBS OF GODLESS LIVES!” Troubling Tombs? Troubling Tombs of Godless lives, like self-centered lives striving in a Godless existence, even striving to find meaning to life without God but assured in self, worldly, demonic deception that your life will work it out and find meaning, a sense of peace and purpose without…