James Farrell Fisher

1936 โ€” 2024

Tag: Repentance and Faith

  • Death or Life?

    “DEATH OR LIFE?” Death, an event every life does face; death, the call that men cannot erase. Yet death, as strong as it seems, has no power to erase God’s dreams. Strong, yes mighty, no one can deny, but death has no power when upon Christ we rely; eternal life is our Lord’s faithful supply.…

  • Vital Awareness Unveiled

    VITAL AWARENESS UNVEILED [ BOOK ONE] By J. Farrell Fisher Ephesians 4:29, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” INTRODUCTION Writing this book has been, I believe, an inspiration of Holy God to me as I have entered…