James Farrell Fisher

1936 โ€” 2024

Tag: Hope

  • Fleshly Adornment or Christ’s Atonement?

    “FLESHLY ADORNMENT OR CHRIST’S ATONEMENT?” November 22, 2016 Titus 2:1-14 Paul highlights both “fleshly adornment and/or Christ’s atonement”, with, of course, a powerful presentation of what it means to be both Christ-honoring disciples AND pure, sound, well-trained churches touching our world with His saving grace! It says: “But as for you, speak the things which…

  • Life’s Rejects Received

    “LIFE’S REJECTS RECEIVED!” By J.Farrell Fisher, Jan.17-18, 2017 A “reject” in our modern day? For some, a “reject” is someone that should just be thrown away, because, in a sick society’s opinion that ‘person’ is unqualified, even for life, and should be discarded, useless to the ‘public good’, unsatisfactory when evaluated by the ‘super smart,’…

  • Overwhelming Distresses or Omnipotent Presence and Peace?

    “OVERWHELMING DISTRESSES OR OMNIPOTENT PRESENCE AND PEACE?” BY: J.FARRELL FISHER, Sept.8, 2017 A number of years ago, visiting a church and faithful friends of the Body of Christ in Utah, my wife and I found an old book store in Salt Lake City. Browsing, I saw a very old book someone had purchased in 1910.…

  • Questions That Crush or Convert

    QUESTIONS THAT CRUSH OR CONVERT FARRELL FISHER “Some read the Bible and gain an accumulation of information without a relational experience of Oneness with the God who wrote it.” FF FOREWARD After my major heart attack April 28, 2013, I knew our Lord wanted me to write – and I did. In just a brief…

  • Resignation to Hopelessness?

    A RESIGNATION TO HOPELESSNESS? JUNE 2013 Job 17:14-15 “If I say to corruption, ‘You are my father,’ and to the worm, ‘You are my mother and my sister,’ where then is my hope? As for my hope, who can see it?” INTRODUCTION BY FARRELL FISHER OUTLINE CHAPTER ONE: RESIGNATION TO HOPELESSNESS? CHAPTER TWO: RESTORED TO…

  • Abandoning Hope or Abiding in Hope?

    CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE “ABANDONING HOPE OR ABIDING IN HOPE?” In the Random House Collegiate Dictionary the word “hope” is described as follows: “The feeling that what is desired is also possible, or that events may turn out for the best..; to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence..; that something desired may happen..; trust, rely.”…

  • Abounding Misery and Chaos or Advocacy Peace & Blessing?

    ABOUNDING MISERY AND CHAOS OR ADVOCACY PEACE & BLESSING? BY J.FARRELL FISHER, September 1, 2014 I really don’t know for sure the public’s response to the Scripture I’m about to share, but I sense in my inner man an awful rejection of the Scripture. It comes from John 3:36 when John said: “He who believes…

  • All Our Hope Is in Christ Alone

    “ALL OUR HOPE IS IN CHRIST ALONE!” I don’t know how you personally respond to the title of this teaching, but one thing I’m assured of, and that is the vast difference between fallen mankind’s view of hope and the true biblical hope which is in Christ alone. I really felt it very comical when…

  • The Joy of a Holy Hope!

    CHAPTER NINETEEN “THE JOY OF A HOLY HOPE!” It’s so interesting, convicting, and illuminating to read the Book of Job, seeing the extremes of serious doubts and unbeliefs, but then to see a man coming into the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There was a time period of doubts, fears,…

  • The Wonderful Blessings of Dreams and Visions

    “THE WONDERFUL BLESSINGS OF DREAMS AND VISIONS”! By: J.FARRELL FISHER, OCT.18-20, 2017 How many do you know over your lifespan who live IN “the wonderful blessings of dreams and visions”? I hate to say it, but I’m afraid that there are many lives you come in contact with who know nothing about “true dreams and…