James Farrell Fisher

1936 โ€” 2024

Tag: Fruitfulness

  • Abandoning Hope or Abiding in Hope?

    CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE “ABANDONING HOPE OR ABIDING IN HOPE?” In the Random House Collegiate Dictionary the word “hope” is described as follows: “The feeling that what is desired is also possible, or that events may turn out for the best..; to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence..; that something desired may happen..; trust, rely.”…

  • The Inspiration of Divine Identity!

    “THE INSPIRATION OF DIVINE IDENTITY!” BY: J.FARRELL FISHER, SEPETEMBER 4-6, 2017 Have you ever known anyone that reflected to you their ‘life-situation’ of an unknown identity? Have you ever been confronted by, yes, a ‘lifeless’ spirit and attitude, because they saw themselves as ‘fleshly dregs’, the least of all men, and, for sure, the least…