Tag: Devil
Awakenings’ Necessity? Earthly Voices or Heavenly Proclamations of Divine Truth?
CHAPTER THIRTY AWAKENINGS’ NECESSITY?“EARTHLY VOICES OR HEAVENLY PROCLAMATIONS OF DIVINE TRUTH?” Has there ever been a moment in your life when you hear or read something, and you ask yourself: “Is that man’s thoughts, his interpretations, her opinions, or is what I heard, read, and, maybe, wrestled with: “The Proclamations of Divine Truth?” And, of…
Fleshly Adornment or Christ’s Atonement?
“FLESHLY ADORNMENT OR CHRIST’S ATONEMENT?” November 22, 2016 Titus 2:1-14 Paul highlights both “fleshly adornment and/or Christ’s atonement”, with, of course, a powerful presentation of what it means to be both Christ-honoring disciples AND pure, sound, well-trained churches touching our world with His saving grace! It says: “But as for you, speak the things which…